Why Airless Tires Are the Future

The tire of the future…



From Michelin’s Media

Even if tires seem like big, boring rubber donuts, they are actually very important and well designed. Tires have improved through the years, and now the question is:

“How long would it take airless tires to take over the market”

Prototypes of airless tires have been made, but they haven’t managed to get out in the market yet. Just think about it. They will not get punctured, they always have the right amount of “air” in them and they are cool looking. Can it get any better?

Why You Will Want Them

As I said, no flat tires and that means that you don’t need a spare tire in the back of your car. They are also CO2 friendly and they cost much less to make. You don’t have to think about getting air in them and that means the tires always have good grip on the road, which makes you more confident when you are driving.

When the tire gets old and the prints disappear you don’t need to buy new ones. You can just get new prints in the tires because they don’t have any air in them.

Why Isn’t It On The Market Yet’?

But why aren’t they on the market yet, what could possibly be wrong with them? Yea, there are some big problems with the tires that engineers still are working on. One of them is if any trash or rock gets in between or into the tire, it can’t squish down and work probably.

Sand or mud could also plug the tires and make them unbalanced. There are many other problems that need to get fixed before the tires get used by the public. That’s why these cool-looking tires aren’t on the market yet, but when they come I will definitely try them out!

