Elon Musk’s Plan About Mars

Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2022


How Would People Survive on Mars?

Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash

Well, Elon Musk was originally planning to send two robotic cargo flights to Mars in 2022 to deliver things like solar panels mining equipment, food, and life support equipment. There would be two more cargo flights sent to provide supplies for the settlers, each of which has at least 100 tons of usable cargo.

There would also be two crewed flights. Their job would be to set up solar panels and other infrastructures. The crew would live in their Starships since they already have life support and habitats. Eventually, they’d build glass domes to live under. Elon Musk has already suggested terraforming Mars. SpaceX thinks that its propellant plant alone would need to mine and filter water at a rate of one ton per day. It would be powered by solar panels. SpaceX estimates that they would need 26 months of continual mining and 16 gigawatt-hours of power to produce enough fuel to send one rocket back to Earth.

