Does Cheese Gives You Nightmares?

Many say that cheese gives you nightmares and many say that it's just a lie, but what is the truth?



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Cheese and dreams have caused a lot of discussions. It might be because cheese is commonly the final thing eaten before sleeping in some cultures, like French and Italian. There is no scientific proof that eating cheese before bedtime causes strange dreams or nightmares.

Eating rich rich snacks with cheese shortly before bedtime might cause
bad digestion and disrupt your sleep. You may remember your dreams or nightmares more commonly if your sleep is disrupted.

Can Cheese Help With Sleeping?

Have you ever heard of drinking milk before going to bed to obtain some rest? Cheese includes tryptophan, which your body utilizes to make serotonin, also known as the happy hormone, which is important for sleep.

Who knows, maybe cheese, which also contains tryptophan, can help you sleep well instead of giving nightmares.

The Different Type Of Cheese And Nightmares

It is said that different types of cheese give different types of nightmares or dreams. Don’t get me wrong. As I said this is not scientifically proven. This data comes from The British Cheese Boards in 2005.

Red Leicester
According to studies, 63 percent of people who ate Red Leicester had dreams about their past, such as recalling schooldays or reconnecting with long-lost acquaintances.

Though no one had nightmares as a result of eating this cheese, 85 percent of women and 75 percent of men had strange and vivid dreams involving an elevator that traveled sideways.

You might want to have some cheddar before you tuck in if you want Beyoncé or Harry Styles to appear in your dream.

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